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Taking Action During the Power of One

Advancing hunger solutions for the 1 in 8 people, and 1 in 7 children, in Middle and West Tennessee can seem like a daunting task, but not when we work together. That is why Second Harvest empowers people to lift together as one. “The Power of One Challenge serves as an eye-opening reminder of the impact one person and one action can have on the lives of others,” said Ryan Flury, Executive Director, JPMorgan Chase a proud partner of the Power of ONE Challenge. This fall The Power of ONE Challenge showed that when we come together, and each contribute one action – donating funds, food, or time – that is when we see progress. That is the power of togetherness. That is the Power of One. 


Throughout the month of September, Second Harvest’s partners, both individual and corporate, have shown what it takes to really take on this challenge.  

Through their ‘Help End Hunger Here’ and in store food drive campaigns, Kroger has shown Middle and West Tennessee that no task goes unnoticed. Cashiers at Kroger in our service area have raised donations at the register throughout the month that go entirely towards Second Harvest! Taking a small moment out of your day to fight food insecurity – whether it is asking for a small donation or signing up for a volunteer shift – is exactly what the Power of ONE Challenge is about. Phil Wenk, CEO of Delta Dental said it best, “A seemingly small contribution may make all the difference in the life of a neighbor, a coworker, or even a family member. Take that step, one small effort, and you can change a life.” Recently, Miss Tennessee Lauren Dickson, former Titan Eric Decker, and celebrity chef Jamika Pessoa proved this to be true by working a volunteer shift at our Martin Distribution Center in Nashville. During this shift, Lauren, Eric, Jamika, and others were able to pack around 1,200 pounds of food. Think of all the meals that will be served thanks to one small action.  

Lauren Bell, Corporate Affairs Manager at Kroger, reminds us “The Power of One Challenge is about encouraging ALL of us to take ONE action towards a solution. Together, our actions can make a difference.” Working together is what makes the Power of ONE Challenge possible. Since 2019, when JPMorgan Chase came to Middle Tennessee, they have worked together with Second Harvest. This partnership is so deep the organization even had a mobile pantry – loaded with nutritious food to be donated to neighbors in need – stationed at their initial ribbon cutting ceremony. Forming partnerships and working together is what makes one action so powerful. Fellow partner, Jackson National Life, has embodied this mindset as a longtime Second Harvest supporter as well. Niya Moon, Corporate Philanthropy Manager at Jackson® says, “This month, our employees took action against hunger by volunteering, continuing a tradition of service at Second Harvest that began more than 10 years ago.”  

Partner Twice Daily has not only received donations on behalf of Second Harvest but has allowed those who give donations at their registers to display their name on pin-up signs inside Twice Daily stores – highlighting the pride you get when taking one action against hunger. Delta Dental has continued their longstanding tradition of providing toothbrushes to kids in need, along with food. Our partners working together and helping however they can have inspired us during the Power of ONE Challenge. 


Longtime supporter of Second Harvest, LifePoint Health even stepped up and completed the Power of ONE Challenge by hosting a Corporate-Wide Food Drive. LifePoint’s mission of Making Communities Healthier is something they are committed to and prove with their efforts that when we each take action, we can make an enormous difference.  


Our corporate partners have gone above and beyond this September not just with their financial support, but also doing the work and action necessary to advance hunger solutions. While the Power of ONE Challenge may have ended, our work is not over. We urge our supporters to take action in your community to fight food insecurity all year long – whether by hosting a food drive, volunteering, spreading awareness, or becoming a monthly donor, there is always time to take one action in the fight against hunger.  

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