Go Orange

Nashville GOES ORANGE on Sept. 10

When you see the Nashville skyline light up orange Sept. 10, that’s our bat signal. A reminder to everyone that we need help to fight hunger in Tennessee.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 Middle Tennesseans are at-risk of hunger during the pandemic. But most people don’t realize there’s this much need in our own community.

Sept. 10 is Hunger Action Day, a day for hunger-relief advocates to rally together toward a healthier, happier community.

Orange is the symbolic color of hunger relief. So on Sept. 10, we ask everyone – individuals, nonprofits, businesses, and government agencies – to Go Orange on social media and IRL, raising awareness for our neighbors struggling with hunger.

The most visible way we do this is by lighting up Nashville’s skyline with orange. We’ve got a devoted core of business owners and building managers who Go Orange each year, but we can always use more beacons of hope.

As an individual, you can make a difference on Sept. 10 by going out that evening, taking pictures in front of a Go Orange building, and using those pictures to tell your social media friends about the need for volunteers, food, and funds.

Share photos with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @2HarvestMidTN pages using #HungerActionTN.


  • AT&T Building
  • Bridgestone Arena
  • Gaylord Opryland Resort
  • Nashville Electric Service
  • Nashville Metropolitan Courthouse

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