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Greenhouse Ministries Restores Hope to a Murfreesboro Family

A Murfreesboro mother could feed her three sons, because of your support.

Tekki It’s tough to make ends meet during big life transitions.

Tekki and her three children recently relocated from Mississippi to Tennessee, meaning Tekki had to give up a job she’d had for 15 years.

During that lapse in steady income, Tekki still tried to feed her sons nutritious food, but found it challenging as a single mother. She has three young boys, ages 9, 6, and 18 months.

“You wonder—are my kids going to eat?” she said.

She’s so grateful to have found Greenhouse Ministries, a Second Harvest Partner Agency in Murfreesboro that filled the gap when Tekki couldn’t afford a trip to the grocery store.

“You wonder—are my kids going to eat?”

At Greenhouse Ministries, Tekki has access to a pantry full of shelf-stable food, in addition to occasional Garde-manger mobile visits from a Second Harvest truck filled with fresh produce.

“The food pantry is really good,” she said. “It’s a real big help to the community.”

Tekki recently found work as a Head Start Family Counselor. Your donation made it possible for her to look for work and find a home without sacrificing her children’s nutrition.

“Thank you for providing,” she says. “I was able to give my kids a meal.”

Not only can Tekki now confidently feed her children, but she’s able to give them the healthy food that she couldn’t otherwise afford. She’s thankful that neighbors like you cared and made such a difference for her family when they were most in need.

You can help families like Tekki’s during their time of need by making a monthly donation.


Chaque dollar que vous donnez aide à fournir au moins 4 repas à des familles dans le besoin grâce à Second Harvest.

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