Do you have a social media profile? Are you looking for an opportunity to give back? You can help by becoming a Second Harvest Social Media Ambassador during Mes de Acción contra el Hambre.
September is Hunger Action Month – a month dedicated to spreading awareness of the issue of hunger in our community and a time to take action to help our neighbors in need. With 1 in 8 Middle and West Tennesseans unsure of when or where their next meal will come from, your support is critical.
Become a Second Harvest Social Media Ambassador and use your network of family, friends, and co-workers to connect our mission with new supporters interested in fighting hunger in Middle and West Tennessee.
Our Social Media Ambassadors will receive exclusive emails detailing hunger facts, way to take action, and special Hunger Action Month events, to post to your personal social media channels and help spread awareness of the issue of hunger in our community.
- Active on at least one public social media profile: Facebook, Instagram, Gorjeo, or LinkedIn.
- Say yes to posting Second Harvest Food Bank-related content 2-3 times during the month of September for Hunger Action Month.
- Share social media content from the official Second Harvest Food Bank accounts 2-3 times.
- Emails with messaging, graphics and links to post to your social media networks.
- Active Second Harvest Social Media Ambassadors may be invited to participate in special Second Harvest Food Bank events.