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Thank You for Helping Our Elderly Neighbors

Addie Orr (4)Addie is a soft-spoken woman who suffered a stroke about a year ago. While she’s mostly recovered, she’s found she’s not able to get around as easily as she used to.

Because of her health condition, she’s now disabled and walks with the help of a cane. She says that even if her fixed income was plenty to buy all her groceries, she couldn’t make it to the store on her own for one simple reason — she doesn’t have her own transportation. As a result, she spends most of her time alone at home.

When Addie heard about Second Harvest’s Partner Agency Faithworks’ food pantry in Mt. Pleasant, she decided it was worth looking into — especially since she knows she needs to eat healthier to speed up her recovery. And with so little money to live on, the small amount of unhealthy, inexpensive food she’s able to afford just won’t do.

“I love this place — they’re good to me,” Addie says, describing all the volunteers do for her. “They give me groceries and a ride home.”

As she continues to recover, she wants to do everything she can to reduce her risk of another stroke, Addie avoids fried foods, and anything high in sugar. Instead, she eats fruits and veggies — like apples, cabbage, carrots and so much more — made available through your gifts to Second Harvest.

Addie is so very thankful for caring neighbors like you, who choose to give.

“There are a lot of good angels around — bless your hearts,” she says with warmth and true thankfulness for your gifts.

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