Spread the Love


فبراير 1 - 28

We always need peanut butter, but it’s rarely donated.

Open the pantry door in most Middle and West Tennessee households, and you’re likely to find a jar of peanut butter. It’s a staple in almost every home, including those struggling with hunger. Because of its nutritional value, long shelf life, and widespread popularity, peanut butter is one of our most needed items.

Not only do we try to stock the shelves at our Partner Agencies with peanut butter, but we also aim to include at least one jar in every صندوق غذاء الطوارئ, a program which provides a box of essential food to people who’ve unexpectedly hit hard times.

Despite the demand, peanut butter is not often donated. Throughout the month of February, help us #SpreadTheLove by donating jars of peanut butter and other nut butters.

Click HERE to find out how you can Spread The Love.

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لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

يساعد كل دولار تقدمه في توفير 4 وجبات على الأقل للعائلات المحتاجة من خلال Second Harvest.

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