Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Nudging your clients to pick healthier foods

Our goal is to make the healthiest choice the easiest choice for clients. Research has shown that small changes to the food distribution environment can greatly influence clients’ choices. These environmental cues or “nudges” include simple changes such as product placement, signage, appearance, and packaging. At Second Harvest, we hope to apply these nudges to our food distributions to help our clients pick healthier foods. If we can help clients pick more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat dairy, we can influence their overall health and decrease their chances for chronic diseases.

Easy Nudges
1. Place healthy foods at the front—People are likely to take more when their cart is empty versus when it starts to fill up.
2. Cooking Demonstrations or Food Samples—These are especially helpful with more “strange” foods such as spaghetti squash or bok choy.
3. Recipes—Click here for some great recipes created by Second Harvest’s dietician specifically for your clients
4. Signage—Make signs to tell people what it is. Also display pictures of healthy foods in waiting areas to prime clients to pick those foods.
5. Abundance—People are more likely to take food if there appears to be an abundance of it. Make sure crates are full and that produce appears attractive.

For more information watch this video: Nutrition and Health Strategies Nudges

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