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You Help Tyler Grow Big and Strong

Thanks to you, Tyler can eat his favorite summer vegetables.

Tyler's summer veggies It might surprise you if you ask 4-year-old Tyler what his favorite foods are…

Turnip greens, broccoli, and carrots (with a little ranch dip on the side, please)! Your donations make it possible for him to eat his favorite foods a lot more often.

The nutritious food you’re giving Tyler now will prepare him to learn and grow this fall when he starts Pre-Kindergarten. Tyler’s parents, Vanessa and James, couldn’t be more grateful.

We met Tyler’s family at Helping Hands of Humphreys County. They waited patiently in their car while volunteers unloaded a Second Harvest truck with its twice-monthly delivery of fresh fruits, veggies, and other perishable items.

Their family is living on a fixed income. Vanessa is diabetic, and it’s challenging to find food she can eat while on a tight budget. Insulin and other medical costs add up to almost $200 each month.

“It’s a good thing they have here,” Vanessa said of the food pantry.

Vanessa knows other families who’ve been helped by the food pantry, too. She said without it, “There would be a lot of hungry families.”

Thank you for helping kids like Tyler and his parents get the nutrition they need to keep them all healthy and strong!

If you’d like to help families like Tyler’s eat fresh, nutritious food, consider making a donation. 



