About the farms

If you’re volunteering for Farm to Families, you can learn more here about the local farms that work with Second Harvest volunteers. All of these partner farms are dedicated to reducing food waste and feeding hungry people, but they each have a unique history and approach.

By Faith Farm

7721 Whites Creek Pike
Joelton TN 37080

By Faith Farm is dedicated to producing the highest quality local food for Nashville and the surrounding areas and providing a healthy food source for many local disadvantaged people through area hunger relief agencies. They do not use any chemicals or pesticides and they let the natural processes of the earth encourage crops to yield bountifully. The farm is a labor of love and spiritual guidance to provide fresh food to local charities and to provide a place to work and grow spiritually by having youth work camps and activities.

River Run Farm

8049 River Road Pike
Nashville TN 37209

River Run Farm is a 300-acre farm on the Cumberland River in northwest Nashville that dates to the Revolutionary
War era. The first documented sale of that farm occurred in late 2014, and new owners have utilized organic farming
methods to convert acres of commercial cropland into a sanctuary for community farm projects. Some of the projects
underway include an organic garden exclusively created to produce fresh food for Second Harvest, as well
as a wildlife reserve, well-being programs for at-risk youth, and a holistic and gentle horse training operation.


