Tri Star Energy, a supporter of Power of One, knows the impact that ONE action can have in the fight against hunger. Tri Star Energy has searched for new ways that they can give back, and get the community involved ever since getting involved in the fight against hunger in 2020. Power of One has been the perfect way to do that.
“Personally, I worry about kids not getting the nutrition they need to help their minds and bodies develop,” says Dawn Boulanger, Vice President of Marketing at Tri Star Energy. By taking ONE action to fight hunger, though, Dawn doesn’t have to worry. She continues, “Volunteering connects you with other volunteers who want to impact the organization and, in some small way, with the people who benefit from your volunteer efforts. The experience of packing boxes or putting together backpacks for students getting ready for school is unmatched and very satisfying!”

Dawn hasn’t taken on the Power of One alone, either. She has joined in with her company to show how the Power of One multiplies when you work with your community. Dawn says, “Tri Star Energy’s philanthropic philosophy is to do more with a few rather than doing a little with a lot. This allows us to be more impactful, and it allows our team members and guests to be vested in our efforts and the efforts of our partners. The satisfaction and joy we have in working together as a team to make a difference is always a special moment for Tri Star Energy. It also allows our people to spend time with others in our company who they may not normally interact with. So, while we do it to help others, we also build something just as important internally.”

Dawn and Tri Star Energy have two pieces of advice for anyone who wants to join the Power of One. First, Dawn argues “The most vital step in the fight against hunger is spreading awareness by educating those who may not be aware of the food insecurities in their own communities and emphasizing the importance of helping others. Also, by sharing our volunteer experiences through pictures and stories, we can spread the message and, hopefully, inspire others to join our mission.” Next, Dawn continues, “Volunteer. It only requires a few hours (or as much time as you have available), makes you feel like you are a part of something bigger and can further connect you to your community!”