Unfortunately, some of the healthiest foods — like fresh fruits and vegetables — are among the most expensive at the supermarket. For that reason, our neighbors with limited incomes often fill their baskets with cheap processed foods to make their grocery budgets stretch.
With only a small Social Security check to depend on each month, Michel often struggles to afford nutritious food. Life was easier when he was working, but now in his late 60s, he’s retired and having a tough time covering all his expenses.
“I need help with food,” he admits.
A couple years ago, a friend told Michel about the perishable food distribution not far from his home at Una Church of Christ. This Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee program on the southeast side of Nashville is a lifeline for older adults like Michel.
When he can’t stretch his monthly checks to buy all the groceries he needs, Michel stops by the food distribution and picks out only the items he knows he’ll be able to use. As someone who loves to cook nutritious meals, Michel’s thrilled to have access to the fresh fruits and vegetables at Una Church of Christ. He says visiting the site has been tremendously helpful for him.
When asked what message Michel would like to share with the people who help make sure the food distribution is stocked and funded, he cracked a wide smile.
“How can I not say thank you?!” he exclaimed. “[The food] completes my life!”
Originally from Egypt, Michel has been a part of the Middle Tennessee community for nearly 20 years. Seniors like him have contributed so much to our society in their lifetimes and deserve better than the worry of an empty pantry. Thank you for ensuring older adults are fed.