September is Hunger Action Month. Learn how you can get involved in the fight against hunger!
The fact that you’re reading this means you want to end hunger in our community. With 1 in 8 Middle and West Tennesseans facing hunger, it’s hard to know where to start.
Don’t get overwhelmed by the problem.
Become a part of the solution and join us in celebrating Hunger Action Month!
For the month of September, we’re uniting with our Feeding America network of food banks to bring awareness to food insecurity and urge individuals to take action in the fight against hunger.
Here’s how you can get involved and bring us one step closer to a hunger free Tennessee:
Go Orange
Orange is the symbolic color of hunger relief, and when you Go Orange, you let your friends, family, and coworkers know that you’re joining us in the fight against hunger! Show your support by wearing all orange, turning your Facebook profile picture orange, or even dressing up your pet up in orange!
The Nashville skyline will Go Orange on September 12, Hunger Action Day. Post a picture of the orange skyline using #HungerActionTN and tag @2harvestmidtn.
Paper Plate Project
Nothing runs on empty. This is especially true for those struggling with hunger. Making a Hunger Action Month plate is an easy way to bring awareness to hunger relief. Get full instructions here.
Shout It From The Rooftop!
Whether it’s online or in person, tell your friends and family why ending hunger is important to you. Need some inspiration? Follow @2harvestmidtn on social media and share our stories of hunger relief throughout the month.
Donate Time, Food, or Money
Sign up to volunteer, host a food drive, or give a gift. Even small contributions have big impacts when we work together and take action to end hunger!
For more information on all things Hunger Action Month, click here!Â