Gladys and her 20-year-old son Adrian, nicknamed “Casper,” have just returned to Nashville from Colorado. There they were seeking special treatment for Casper’s developmental issues that impair his ability to communicate verbally. Gladys is Casper’s sole caretaker.
Casper’s medications and allergies require the family to eat a very special diet of mostly fresh vegetables — foods that Gladys explains are very expensive.
“Fresh food…let’s face it,” Gladys says, “That’s some of the most expensive food on the shelves.”
Living on a limited fixed income and without a car, Gladys says that affording and accessing the good vegetables Casper needs to stay healthy is a challenge.
When Gladys heard about the Juneteenth Health & Wellness Fair at Nashville General Hospital, she was excited to attend!
At the fair, the family was able to get a well check visit, health tips, and other benefits provided by Meharry Medical College and United Healthcare.
Additionally, Gladys received a large bag of fresh produce including carrots, onions, cabbage, potatoes, and more, from Second Harvest.
“It might just be me and Casper,” Gladys says, “But I am not doing this alone. All of the help we receive has been amazing. Thank you!”