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Providing Hope, One Helping at a Time

Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 12.22.42 PMDear Friends,

It is an unfortunate reality that the need for our services still exists nearly four decades after we opened our doors in 1978. Hunger is a complicated issue, but we are not giving up. We believe that although there is hunger, with your help there is also hope.

Download our 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Annual Report

This report highlights our most expansive year to date. These efforts would not be possible without the continued support from individuals, corporate partners and our network of 450-plus Partner Agencies that remain committed to ending hunger in our community.
Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 12.21.50 PMIn Fiscal Year 2015, we distributed a record amount of food, which equates to more than 24 million meals for those in need throughout our 46-county service area. While we are proud of our expanded efforts to serve more children, families and seniors, food insecurity remains a critical issue and there is still more work to do.

Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 12.21.44 PMResearch tells us that food insecurity and poor health are related. Families struggling with hunger are often forced to sacrifice nutritional value for affordability, putting their health at risk just to avoid hunger. We increased our fresh produce distribution by 14 percent over last year and took steps to launch innovative and sustainable programs that put fresh, nutritious foods into the hands of those in need for years to come.

Remember, our neighbors seeking food assistance have jobs, raise families, work toward education goals and struggle with health problems, just like many of us. Because of your generosity and dedication, we are changing lives and bettering our community. Thank you for your efforts to help fight hunger and feed hope.


Scott Turner – Board Chair

Jaynee Day – President & CEO

Chaque dollar que vous donnez aide à fournir au moins 4 repas à des familles dans le besoin grâce à Second Harvest.

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