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Are Canned Goods Important in the Fight Against Hunger?

February marks National Canned Food Month, a holiday that celebrates an essential asset for food banks and pantries across the country. It’s a time to recognize the critical role that canned goods play in addressing food insecurity and ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food. At Second Harvest, we are proud to participate in this observance by sharing not only the importance of canned food donations but also how versatile and beneficial they can be in everyday cooking. 

Food insecurity is a pressing issue that affects 535,000 people right here in Middle and West Tennessee. It’s often a hidden problem that doesn’t discriminate, and impacts individuals and families across various backgrounds. Canned foods are a staple in food banks and pantries for several reasons: 

  • Long Shelf Life: Canned foods can last for years, reducing waste and ensuring food is available when it’s needed. 
  • Nutritional Value: Many canned foods are packed at the peak of freshness, sealing in essential nutrients. 
  • Convenience: Canned foods are ready to eat or require minimal preparation, which is vital for individuals who may have limited access to kitchen facilities or are in emergency situations. 

During National Canned Food Month, we encourage you to donate canned goods. Your contribution can make a significant difference in someone’s life. 

To showcase the versatility of canned foods, we’ve created a delicious recipe from our on staff dieticians that you can easily prepare at home: Canned Beef & Vegetable Chili. This hearty meal is perfect for a cold winter’s day and highlights the convenience and nutritional value of canned ingredients. 

  • In honor of National Canned Food Month, we invite you to join us in the fight against hunger. Every can counts, and together, we can make an impact. Let’s make the most of National Canned Food Month and help our community one can at a time. 
  • Next time you are shopping at Kroger, grab a few extra cans and donate them at the blue bins at the front of the store. These donations come directly to Second Harvest! 

Chaque dollar que vous donnez aide à fournir au moins 4 repas à des familles dans le besoin grâce à Second Harvest.

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