Some kids spend their summers playing games at the park, traveling with family, or developing a new hobby.
But for nearly 87,000 children in Middle and West Tennessee, summer causes stress about where their next meal is coming from. And with food prices on the rise, local kids and families are more vulnerable to hunger this summer.
When school is out, hunger sets in
Thousands of children in Middle and West Tennessee receive free breakfasts and lunches during the school year. When cafeterias close for summer break, these children lose access to the food they depend on to eat.
During the summer months, struggling families must provide 10 additional meals per week per child. In a typical 10-week summer break, that’s 100 meals per child.
These additional meals are a tremendous burden for low-income families who have difficulty providing enough food even when school is in session.
Kids who go hungry during summer start school behind
Hunger can have lifelong consequences for children, making it more difficult for them to learn, play and connect with kids their age.
We need your help!
With historic inflation and rising food and fuel costs, the emergency food assistance provided by Second Harvest is more critical than ever. With your support, thousands of children and families can enjoy summer knowing they can count on the nutritious food provided by Second Harvest – and you.