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Fighting Hunger with Nutrition

screen-shot-2017-02-27-at-12-28-59-pmEating healthy, balanced meals can be a challenge for all of us, especially the 1 in 7 Middle Tennesseans struggling with hunger. This March, we are taking time to highlight the importance of nutrition in addressing hunger issues during Mes de la Nutrición.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee provides access to a variety of food that can help improve the lives of people facing hunger. We’ve made great strides to supply nutritious food to our neighbors, distributing more than 9 million pounds of fresh produce.

In addition to giving access to nutritious food, like fresh produce and frozen lean proteins, we also provide nutrition education, recipes, budgeting guides and resources to help our clients eat better and make their money go further.

We make sure healthy, nutritious foods and education are a priority in each of our initiatives.

  • Our on-staff Registered Dietitian, Caroline Pullen, works closely with our Kids Cafe program to bring healthy snacks with accompanying nutrition lessons to at-risk children.
  • We distribute healthy meal recipe cards at partner agencies and share valuable resources like Hunger and Health.
  • Our Perishable Distributions provide monthly deliveries of fresh foods including bread, fruits and vegetables to our partner agencies to distribute to those in need.
  • Through our Farm to Families program, we’re encouraging volunteers to help farmers glean produce to get a first-hand look at where our food comes from and grow their understanding of valuable local food resources.

A healthy life starts with healthy food. That’s why we provide families in need with wholesome meals and nutrition education to help them stay healthy. It’s just part of how we help solve hunger. We hope you will join us in recognizing Nutrition Month in honor of the 1 in 7 Tennesseans who lack access to enough healthy food for an active, healthy lifestyle.

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