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Feeding Hope Year-Round with Nissan

Nissan is fighting hunger this December and throughout the year!

The holiday season is usually a time of joy and celebration, but for the 1 in 8 Middle Tennesseans – including 1 in 7 children – facing hunger, it’s often a time of hardship.

Nissan has once again partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to ensure that our neighbors in need have a full table of food to share with friends and family this holiday season!

Earlier this month, Nissan volunteers joined us in our Nashville warehouse to sort nearly 20,000 pounds of food (equalling more than 16,200 meals) for families and seniors facing hunger as well as packed nearly 1,900 BackPacks for at-risk children in our community.

Fighting Hunger Year-Round

We’re especially fortunate for our partnership with Nissan, because they know hunger isn’t just an issue during the holidays. They support our hunger-fighting efforts by donating their time and resources throughout the year.

Since 2012, more than 1,600 Nissan staff members have donated more than 4,100 hours of their time and energy to fight hunger.

In addition to volunteering, Nissan is also a proud supporter of our Mobile Pantries, large-scale one-day distributions where individual and families receive one to two weeks of groceries. Earlier this year, Nissan sponsored a Mobile Pantry, serving hundreds of families and distributing more than 20,000 pounds of food.

We feel fortunate to have Nissan on our side in the fight against hunger this December and throughout the rest of the year!

Fight hunger with Nissan this holiday season and put hope back on the table for those in need.

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