As Food Resource Manager, Brad Bornac plays an integral role in Second Harvest’s mission by managing the massive amount of food donations Second Harvest receives each year.
¿Cuánto tiempo ha trabajado para Second Harvest, cuál es su función y describe un día típico?
I began working at Second Harvest Food Bank in July 2017, in the role of Food Resource Manager. I oversee food donations from various channels across the food system, including retailers, manufacturers, and the agricultural community. So a typical day involves equal parts scheduling for sourced donations, and reacting to unplanned and unexpected donations.
¿Qué es lo que más disfruta de trabajar para una organización local de lucha contra el hambre?
My career before joining Second Harvest Food Bank was in restaurants and food retail. I’m uniquely aware of the waste produced by those industries, so to be able to rescue that food and share it with my community is especially rewarding.
¿Cuál es uno de tus recuerdos favoritos de trabajar en el banco de alimentos?
One of my first memories of the food bank is also one of my favorites, and I’ve since realized it is a common reaction when people learn about our work. The actual size and scope of what Second Harvest Food Bank does is initially overwhelming, and I was not prepared for the volume of food moving in and out of our facilities. The number of lives and families touched by what we are able to do, with the support of our community, is staggering and humbling!
Cuando no está trabajando, ¿qué le gusta hacer en su tiempo libre?
I love music and especially enjoy attending live shows; Nashville provides world class options across genres. Cooking and food culture have always been my passion, and I enjoy sharing meals with family (wife, son, daughter, cat, dog) and friends. To relax, I like to find time for painting, reading, and baseball.
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