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A letter from the CEO – Thank You for Making Disaster Response Possible

Dear friends,

There’s no doubt we’ve had to overcome a lot the last few months. Since March 3, our community has lost family members, homes, businesses, income, and much more. But one thing we have not lost is hope.

When speaking with our clients, I’m in awe of their perseverance and strength. In spite of it all, our clients mostly speak of gratitude. Gratitude for what they have left, for what could’ve happened but didn’t. Gratitude for the food Second Harvest provides.

Second Harvest has fed hundreds of thousands of meals to disaster victims and neighbors affected by the pandemic this spring, significantly increasing the work of our usual feeding programs and food deliveries.

Your trust makes it all possible. At Second Harvest we’re confident we have the infrastructure and know-how to navigate disaster response. But we can’t do it alone. It is your faith in us — your willingness to support us — that keeps food going out the door no matter what.

And now it’s summer. During the school year, free and reduced-price meal programs provide a safety net for children. But with those programs still on hold during summer break, our local kids are at serious risk of hunger. This year the risk is especially critical as schools closed three months early and our community is still recovering.    

But we have a can-do spirit. We have the right tools, relationships, and talent. We’ve survived crises before, including the 2010 flood, and our community knows how to pull together. This summer will be a real challenge, but with your support, we are up to the task.

With my sincere thanks,

Nancy Keil, President & CEO

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