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Your Business Can BITE Hunger!

Rally your colleagues and register your company for BITE Hunger!


This spring, we’re hosting our BITE Hunger, Businesses Ignite To End Hunger, competition. BITE Hunger is a friendly competition among local businesses to raise food and funds to fight hunger in Middle Tennessee – and we need your help!


From April 10 to May 1, each BITE Hunger participant will host a traditional food drive and an online fundraising page to share with employees, customers, and clients. Donations of food and funds will earn your organization points.

Companies will be divided into three categories based on size to ensure an even playing field. Earn extra points by trabajar como voluntario at Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee in groups or as individuals.

By participating in Second Harvest’s BITE Hunger you are positioning your organization as a leader in the fight against hunger in our community. The impact of the campaign will be featured in the Nashville Business Journal and champions from each of the three categories will be recognized by Second Harvest.

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