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You’re Giving Children the Fuel to Thrive

Brooklyn has always loved softball.

Each year, this seventh grader eagerly waits for the days to grow longer and the sun to cast its warm glow once again upon the field, signaling her grand return to the diamond.

But it became more than a game after her father passed away in 2021. Every pitch, swing, and sprint to first has become a much-needed outlet — an opportunity to grow and heal.

Brooklyn is also a member of her school’s debate team and loves math, particularly geometry. She says algebra can be a bit difficult, but she likes the challenge. Brooklyn also plays the saxophone in the school band and picked the instrument because she says, “It’s the best you can pick” — and she strives for the best.

Brooklyn knows that her many hours at school are draining, so “it is good for us to have snacks on hand so we can focus on class,” she said.

Powered by the support of friends like you, the food pantry at her school remains stocked with nutritious food that kids like Brooklyn need to stay energized and focused throughout the week.

Living with ADHD, she understands the importance of staying nourished. “If I get hungry, I get really dizzy and can pass out,” she explains.

For Brooklyn, access to food isn’t just a convenience — it’s a lifeline enabling her to focus, participate, and embrace every opportunity that comes her way. Her favorite snacks — cheese crackers and fruit bars — serve as a reliable source of sustenance, bridging the gaps and providing her with the fuel she needs to thrive.

“Some kids don’t have lunch, so it is always good to have access to these snacks if we don’t have lunch.”

Thank you for increasing access to healthy food for children in our community. By taking action, you’re providing the fuel our future generations need to learn and grow.

يساعد كل دولار تقدمه في توفير 4 وجبات على الأقل للعائلات المحتاجة من خلال Second Harvest.

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