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You’re Feeding Neighbors, Young and Old

ann-jones“Mama” Ann, 79, is well-known and well-loved at Faithworks, a Second Harvest Partner Agency in Mt. Pleasant. She visits every now and then when she and her husband, James, 84, need help with food.

A staple, warm presence in the local community, Ann actually used to babysit one of the volunteers at Faithworks. Her expansive family — which includes three sons, four grandchildren and four great grandkids, and counting — all live in the Mt. Pleasant area.

Ann says she feels blessed to have her family nearby. She loves spending time with them and sometimes depends on her sons for help caring for James, who has Alzheimer’s disease and limited mobility since undergoing double knee surgery.

James worked as a glazer in Nashville before retiring in 1997. It’s frustrating for him to not be able to work after so many years providing for his family. Ann had a job as a secretary while also babysitting, which she loved.

Now on a fixed income, the couple sometimes has a hard time affording their monthly expenses. Although Medicare helps with their healthcare bills, Ann says just one of the pills James has been prescribed costs $152, and it’s crucial to his well-being.

Because she’s lived in the area for so many years, Ann’s very aware of the need for food assistance in her community. She only visits Faithworks when she and James are really struggling — she wants to make sure there’s enough food for other families, especially those with young children. Ann has been gardening, too, so she has some produce on hand at home.

Ann is so grateful for your partnership on behalf of herself, James and all her neighbors who are facing food insecurity.

“Thank you,” she says. “There are people with several little ones here — they need it.”

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