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This School Pantry Is Stocked Because of You

The school pantry at Tusculum Elementary is the main reason some students go to sleep with full stomachs.

School Pantry - Marvin“We had children sneaking food from the cafeteria before because they were so hungry,” said Rebecca Hulse, family involvement specialist at Tusculum Elementary School in Nashville.

“We realized on weekends they weren’t getting food unless we were sending it home.”

Rebecca runs the school pantry at Tusculum in partnership with Second Harvest and with help from Mary Guidry, the school’s family resources director.

Every Tuesday, a Second Harvest truck delivers fresh food to the school for Rebecca to share with about 45 students. The pantry bags include meat, fruits, vegetables, grains, and other healthy items.

Rebecca says she appreciates being able to fill empty tables, as well as build relationships among faculty, students, and their families.

The School Pantry brings much needed stability

Many of the families Rebecca serves relocated to the Nashville area as refugees. Tusculum students hail from more than 30 different countries. With the help of interpreters, Rebecca connects families with school supplies, clothing, and medical assistance, as well as groceries.

School Pantry - Thank YouSeveral kids are enrolled in a program called Students with Interrupted Formal Educations.

Rebecca says having regular access to healthy food has brought stability to these children’s lives. Good nutrition also improves behavior, academic performance, and more.

Rebecca said the school pantry is possible because of your generosity, and she’s so grateful you choose to give.

“You’ve allowed us to feed more children and meet the needs of more families,” she said. “You’re making such a difference in their lives!”

Having enough to eat seems so simple, but it truly couldn’t be more important — especially for growing children.

Help us stock the shelves at other school pantries across Middle and West Tennessee! 


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