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What’s Kroger’s Recipe for Fighting Hunger? 

How Has Kroger Helped Second Harvest Fight Hunger for 32 Years?

For 32 years, Kroger has been more than just a partner to us; they’ve been family in our quest to end hunger in Tennessee. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Kroger, its employees, and the broader community for their outstanding contributions. We want to spotlight Kroger’s remarkable journey with us, emphasizing their invaluable contributions and the profound impact they’ve had on our community. 

The Lifeline for Our Mission:

Kroger has donated over $2,500,000 throughout our enduring partnership. This financial assistance is the lifeline that has helped us reach more individuals and families than we ever thought possible. Kroger’s generosity has been the cornerstone of our mission, and we can’t thank them enough for it. 

A Testament to Community Service:

Kroger’s partnership extends beyond monetary donations. They have been steadfast supporters of our Mobile Pantries, which bring essential food resources directly to underserved communities in Tennessee.

Their employees also volunteer their time to help us sort, pack, and distribute food. Recently, Kroger employees packed 5 pallets worth of BackPacks to provide food to children facing hunger during the weekend when they do not have access to school lunch. That is enough food for over 1,200 students to stay healthy and nourished over the weekend. Their commitment to community service sets an inspiring example for others.

Kroger’s extraordinary dedication to Second Harvest over the past 32 years is a testament to their commitment to fighting hunger in our community. Together, we will continue to combat food insecurity, thanks to the determined support of partners like Kroger. We look forward to many more years of making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you, Kroger, for 32 years of incredible support and dedication!

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