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Volunteer Spotlight: Jean

Jean is an incredible champion of her community. She worked as a nurse for many years in Wilson County before going back to school to become a nurse practitioner, she then went on to join the faculty at Cumberland University. Now, over 45 years after starting her work in hospitality, she regularly volunteers with SALT Ministry (Serving at the Lord’s Table) doing everything from sorting and boxing palettes of food, ensuring volunteers are taken care of in hot weather, connecting with community members, and even filling in as a relief delivery driver. 

Jean first started volunteering with SALT about a year ago when she retired. She says she heard about the work SALT was doing from her long-time friend Joyce, SALT’s food pantry coordinator.  She has been a faithful member of the volunteer team ever since. 

With 1 in 8 people in Middle and West Tennessee at risk of hunger, including 1 in 7 children, the need is great. “These are hard times, these are lean times, people are hungry,” Jean echoed. 

We are so grateful for our volunteers like Jean. To learn more about volunteer opportunities, click here. 

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