What it means to be a food banker:
This is very different from a normal truck driving job, where you just bump a dock, sign a paper, and never really know what you are hauling. At Second Harvest, it’s totally different. We build relationships with the Partner Agencies we deliver to. In my experience, it has led to lifelong friendships.
LeWayne Jones, Driver
I love the feeling that what I do has such a positive impact on others’ lives. I also love working alongside people with such passion and empathy for others. I’ve worked for many organizations, but this is a really special group of folks.
Carolyn Sullivan, Database Specialist
The actual size and scope of what Second Harvest Food Bank does is initially overwhelming, and I was not prepared for the volume of food moving in and out of our facilities. The number of lives and families touched by what we are able to do, with the support of our community, is staggering and humbling!
Brad Bornac, Food Resource Manager