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No Empty Plates: A Plate Installation

SHFB Plate Project Invite edits white all month

In honor of Hunger Action Month, Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee invites you to view our No Empty Plates art installation throughout the month of September at Biscuit Love – 316 11th Avenue South.

An empty plate means an empty stomach, and on an empty stomach, no one can reach their full potential. No Empty Plates is a plate installation created by local artists to raise awareness of hunger issues in our community this September.

Participating artists include:

Amanda NormanNo Empty Plates artist chair

Julie Couch

Kimberly Fox

Lauren Dunn

Louisa Glenn

Patrick Hayes, 1767 Designs

Rob Hendon

Kayce Hughes

Michelle Lambert

Lisa McReynolds

Trevor Mikula

Catherine Moberg

Paige Morehead

Brian Nash

Judy Nebhut

Shelby Rothenhofer

Blaire Wheeler

Ron York

Many more participating artists to be announced!

Second Harvest is very grateful for each and every participating artist. Thank you for donating your time and talents to raise awareness of hunger issues in our community. We hope everyone will join us in the fight against hunger, and together, we can help everyone reach their full potential.

يساعد كل دولار تقدمه في توفير 4 وجبات على الأقل للعائلات المحتاجة من خلال Second Harvest.

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