Kroger is dedicated to making Middle Tennessee a #ZeroHungerZeroWaste community.
More than 40% of food produced in the U.S. goes uneaten, yet 1 in 8 Middle and West Tennesseans don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
Kroger wants to change that.
Their #ZeroHungerZeroWaste initiative aims to end hunger in the communities they call home and eliminate waste in the company by 2025.
One of the many ways they’re working toward this goal is by supporting our signature event Generous Helpings.
Generous Helpings and its sister event Chefs’ Dinner celebrate Nashville’s food scene while raising funds to provide fresh food to those who need it most.
All proceeds go toward our grocery rescue program, Middle Tennessee’s Table, which rescues frozen meat, produce, dairy and non-perishable food from over 230 grocery stores.
Of course, Kroger is one of our grocery store partners.
“We’re in the food business, so it makes sense that supporting Second Harvest and working to feed hungry people would be important to us,” Melissa Eads of Kroger said.
Three times a week, our trucks pick up fresh produce and other perishable items from several Kroger locations. This food is then sorted at our warehouse and distributed to our الوكالات الشريكة for families and individuals struggling with hunger.
In total, we rescue 750,000 pounds of food each month through MTT, and this is all food that otherwise would have gone to waste.
Thanks to partners like Kroger, less food ends up in landfills and more ends up on families’ plates.
Kroger’s commitment to eliminating waste through MTT and #ZeroHungerZeroWaste has inspired us to make Generous Helpings a zero food waste event this year.
Any food that is leftover from Generous Helpings will be brought to our Partner Agency, the Nashville Rescue Mission.
We are thankful to have Kroger as our Generous Helpings presenting sponsor, but this is a small fraction of the work they’ve done to fight hunger in Middle Tennessee.
Over the course of our four-decade-long partnership, they have provided over 9 million meals to families, children, and seniors facing hunger.
We are lucky to have them on our side in the fight against hunger and food waste!
Learn more about Kroger’s commitment to a #ZeroHungerZeroWaste community.