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You make a difference for kids like Jesse

Summer is Jesse’s favorite season. He loves to play outside with his friends and pets.

Jesse lives with his grandparents who take good care of him…including enrolling him in Second Harvest’s Partner Agency Big Sandy Christian Community Outreach Center. At Big Sandy CCOC, Jesse can play with his friends and enjoy healthy meals to fuel his day.

Big Sandy CCOC includes ministries dedicated to food distribution and meals for kids like Jesse who need a little extra help.

“I like the lunch and snacks they give us here,” Jesse shares. “It tastes really good!”

Jesse’s grandma is also glad for him to have a place to get his energy out. “I have a lot of energy,” Jesse admits.

Jesse loves all animals, but he takes special care of his dog Shadow and cat Sally. “I want to be a vet when I grow up,” he says. “I know lots of things about animals. Did you know that dogs sweat through their mouths? It’s called panting.”

Healthy food is the fuel energetic kids like Jesse need to achieve their dreams. And thanks to your generous partnership, they can find it at Big Sandy CCOC!

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