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Cooks Rule! Cooking Camp Teaches Hands-on Skills

It’s summer and our Cooks Rule! Cooking Camps are in full swing. Small groups of kids and teens are getting hands-on training from the professional chefs in our Culinary Arts Center in areas like chopping, measuring and weighing, and a variety of cooking techniques, such as sauté, caramelize, blanche, poach, oven bake and roast.

This year’s campers have made their own pasta and prepared the sauce, learned to truss a whole chicken, and even made potato chips from scratch.

One parent had this to say: “Wonderful class, with excellent chefs teaching children in a way they understand, how to prepare and cook delicious food! They really make cooking fun!”

If your teen (age 13-17) is interested in cooking, there are still limited spots available for Session 3: Farmers’ Market happening July 10th – 14th. Registration details are here.

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