Elevate Madison, a homeless care and life skills ministry, has been providing warm meals, computer training, job-skills, and financial counseling to the homeless, uneducated, and under-employed since 2009. Each week, Elevate feeds 150 people and opens the doors to its Computer Learning Center. Beth Vaughan shares, “Through these classes, we seek to demonstrate the love of Christ as we build genuine relationships in an effort to provide participants the skills and abilities to improve their current situation.”
The ministry is completely funded through donations and is always in need of more volunteers. There are opportunities in meal service and prep, fellowship, clothing sorts, set-up and clean-up, teaching and training positions.
Elevate Madison has been partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank over 3 years. Beth continues, “We are so blessed to have access to so much quality food at such incredible prices.”
The ministry also partners with Long Hollow Baptist Church and has graciously been given space at 719 Gallatin Pike South in Madison where they serve the local community. Elevate Madison will always be known as a warm place for people in the community to gather.
We are so grateful to have such a compassionate partner to work with in helping to make better communities–thank you Elevate and to all supporters and volunteers!